Walking Through It

2 Good Things to Remember When You Walk through the Valleys of Life —  Beautiful Christian Life

I have a tell for when I am deep in thought with something that is weighing me down.  I sigh.    I probably have always done it but a little over a year ago my husband started asking me what was wrong out of the blue, or so I thought.  He finally let me in on his secret – I was sighing… often.  Over the last fourteen months I have walked through my dad passing away unexpectedly, placing my mom in a nursing home, not being able to see my mom in person for almost a year due to COVID, and eventually watching her go through a week of hospice care after a stroke which left her unable to swallow.  My mom and dad both saw Jesus in 2020.  Yep, I was sighing …a lot.  To be honest I still am.  I was walking through the valley of the shadow of death found in Plasm 23.  Not my own death, but I walked in that shadow, in that valley, with both of my parents. 

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Happy Birthday America!   There is no denying 2020 has been a tough year in our country.  I have personally been trying to educate myself on issues this country is facing from COVID-19, police brutality as well as heroism, and the hurdles specific to Black Americans.  To see the divisiveness and hate that is flowing from both sides of all of these issues has been heartbreaking… and then yesterday I saw something that reminded me why I love this country.  ABC News’ #AmericaStrong segment shared a video of a young woman singing the national anthem for her virtual graduation and was joined by a complete stranger that happened to be a trained opera singer.  If  you have not watched it check it out here because it was amazing.  The young woman said the moment was symbolic for us as a people to not try to out sing the person next to you but to blend and harmonize with them.  To see two people of a different race and gender with a commonality of music and the ability and heart to sing our national anthem in strength and harmony is what we need as a country.  

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Holding on to hope… and your fork

As a girl who has spent the majority of her life in the South, when someone says, “Hold your fork.” when clearing the dishes after dinner, I know exactly what that means. For those of you non-southerners it means that dessert is coming and if you don’t keep your fork you will end up with a mouth watering cobbler or banana pudding in front of you that you can’t eat because you will have no way to get it from the plate to your mouth. That is just not okay!! Continue reading

Our Seventeenth Summer

As many people are watching their kids graduate from High School as I write this blog today, many others are realizing how limited time really is with our kids. I recently read a blog that reminded us that we have 18 summers between birth and graduation with our kids. This equates to 936 weeks. The reality that this summer is our seventeenth summer with my oldest son really put this in perspective. Continue reading

What If…

My favorite part of a flight coincides with the most dangerous aspects of air travel; the take off and the landing. I am still pretty new to the travel deal, so it still has some novelty with me. Don’t get me wrong, the small seats and having complete strangers inside my personal bubble for hours is all too real; and don’t even get me started on the germs floating around in this flying tube that keeps circulating the same air. My point is there is something about the few minutes after we take off that reminds me of how big our God is. Continue reading

A Leap of Faith

Have you ever felt like you were being prompted to move in a direction but scared to death to step off the ledge of the unknown in faith? Well, the Winge family has stepped off that ledge and is moving to Houston, Texas. Those of you that have known our family are probably picking yourselves up off the floor. “What??? We thought you would be at Journey forever. Your family has been here since almost the beginning,” are some of the things you may be thinking. Let me assure you we thought the same thing.   Continue reading

Hiding From God

Have you ever thought if you don’t seek God He won’t seek you? Have you ever been in a situation where you don’t want to follow God’s plan and think you may be able to fly under the radar? It is kind of like when my kids were little, if I caught them doing something they shouldn’t they would close their eyes really tight thinking that if they can’t see me then surely I can’t see them. Whether they thought I could see them or not, I had been there with them the entire time. Closing their eyes never had an effect on me being present. This isn’t just something our children do as toddlers. We see it throughout scripture… Continue reading

Shame On Us If We Don’t

Written in December of 2015

Two months ago I went on a mission trip to Haiti.  I was going to spread a little of Christ’s love, be extremely hot and uncomfortable while I did it (because that shows I love Jesus A LOT), and return a week later to the comforts of my “first world” life.  The reality of what God wanted to use me for when I was there was much different.  We were serving in medical clinics, meeting the needs of a different community each day, loving on people, and being the hands and feet of Christ.  It was great and God was using us.  A few days into the trip our Missions Director said, “Come on, lets go look at an orphanage up the road.”  Now, where we were working and staying was across the street from an orphanage.  We had the opportunity to play with the kids, hang out, and see the provision in how God was taking care of the children at Alex’s House.  So when I was asked to go to another orphanage a few miles away, I was certainly game.  

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Bend At The Knees


We are told to “bend at the knees” when we lift things all the time. We know it is the safest and best way to do it, but in haste we often bend at the waist, then lift, then pay the price. I recently tried to pick up a heavy box, not bending at the knees of course. Even though I immediately set it down the damage was done. A trip to the emergency room, which allowed me to donate a $300 copay to the hospital, led me to a diagnoses of a strained hip flexor. I didn’t even know I had a hip flexor, much less that an injury to it could lead to pain worse than childbirth. When I was leaving the emergency room the PA said, “Bend at the knees next time.” I would have kicked him in the shin, but apparently an injury to your hip flexor makes that difficult. Continue reading